Saturday, 18 July 2015

My First Time // Tag

 Ive seen this tag floating around YouTube for a while now and thought it would be fun to do it on my blog, since I don't have a YouTube channel ... Yet. (Hopefully going to be starting one soon!)

So here we go...

FIRST pet - My first pet was a dog (I think) named Rover. I don't really remember that much, but I do remember that he was really playful and I loved him. Thinking back, I don't even know what happened to him! Here is a picture of me and Rover.. 

FIRST job - I got my first job in the September after leaving school. It was actually an apprenticeship and it was in hairdressing. A new salon was opening in town and the boss hired about 9 apprentices. I was sweeping floors, washing clients hair, greeting and serving clients tea/coffee while learning about hairdressing. That didn't last long as I think he decided that he had hired too many apprentices and got rid of like 5 of us. 

FIRST celebrity crush - I wouldn't say it was a 'crush' as such, but when I was younger I was obsessed with Robson and Jerome. I had their CD and their video and apparently I just loved them. I was about 4 years old at the time. I think my first proper celebrity 'crush' was when I was 11 and it was Jeremy Sumpter, who played Peter in Peter Pan. 

FIRST sport you were involved in - I used to be on the athletics team in Primary school. I did running after school some nights of the week. I guess that counts as a sport .. I don't know? Never really been into sports haha. 

FIRST piercing - My first piercing was my ears. I think I was 2 or 3 years old when I had them done. 

FIRST holiday - My first holiday was to Rhodes in Greece. I don't really remember much though as I was was only 2 years old. But my mum says that the flight back home was horrible as we flew through a massive storm, not that I remember any of this. Thank God! 

FIRST room-mate - As I haven't been to University, I suppose my first room mate would be my sister. We had to share a room growing up when my mum had our little brother.

FIRST movie you remember seeing - I don't remember. I do know that I loved all the Disney videos ( as we didn't have DVD's when I was growing up) and that my favourite was always Winnie the Pooh. 

FIRST stuffed toy - I got my first stuffed teddy when I was really little. It's actually Tigger from Winnie the Pooh, (a really old version) and I couldn't sleep without it. I still have it now, and still love it! 

FIRST profile picture - This was my first profile picture 7 years ago. *cringe* 

I hope you enjoyed reading this post! I tag anyone who wants to do it, I'd love to read them! 

What are some of your answers to these 'FIRSTS'? Let me know in the comments :) 

Thanks for stopping by.

Much Love.. 


  1. Nice tag! I think I might do this.


  2. Haha love this =]

  3. This is such a great tag post! I've had so many different facebook accounts my first profile picture is long lost. I enjoyed reading your answers :) Becky // xxxx

    1. I found my first Facebook account just by searching my name! Haha. Thankyou! :) xxx
