Tuesday, 25 August 2015

I Reverse Washed My Hair!

I'm one of those people who can spend hours on the internet looking at make-up tutorials, skincare routines and ways to make your hair better. Basically anything beauty! 

The other week I was browsing through the web, when I came across a little article. It was about 'Reverse Washing' your hair. Like I was, you may be intrigued to find out what 'Reverse Washing' means. Well, it's where you wash your hair with conditioner and then shampoo. I tried it, and I'm going to tell you my experience with reverse washing my hair. 

I wet my hair and got in the bath. I then covered my hair in conditioner and clipped it up so it didn't get in the water. Then I went on and did the usual things (washed, shaved my legs etc) leaving the conditioner in. When I was ready to get out, I took my hair down and covered it in shampoo (without washing the conditioner out). So basically you are washing the conditioner out with shampoo. I then lathered and rinsed and went about my normal routine. 

Here's a quick rundown:
1. Wet your hair
2. Cover your hair in conditioner
3. Leave in for a few minutes, or until you have done washing etc
4. Cover your hair in shampoo
5. Lather and rinse


I did think my hair would be knotty because I hadn't used conditioner last, but actually it was really easy to get through. And I'm not going to lie, my hair felt and looked amazing! It was really soft and shiny and just looked better than normal. I've decided to do this once a week, or on days where I need my hair to look exceptionally nice. 

I had never heard of this before I found this article, and I'm so glad I found it! 

If you've ever tried washing your hair this way, how did it work out for you? I'd also love to know if you try it out after reading this post! 

Have a great day and don't forget to smile :) 


  1. I have tried this a few times before but have just realised I was doing it wrong! I was washing the conditioner out and then shampooing. Either way my hair still felt better than usual.

    I will give it another go tomorrow properly and hope for even better results! I prefer this method as I have a pixie cut and conditioner can sometimes leave residue.

    1. Yeah, leave the conditioner in until you wash the shampoo out. Let me know how it goes! :) xx

  2. Never heard of this but think I may well give it a shot, is the aim simply to make it look shiner or did the article say it had any other benefits?


    1. It said that people don't always wash all of the conditioner out (even though you think you do) so doing it this way, you are making sure all of the conditioner is coming out of your hair! It does make your hair shiny and soft though! :) x

  3. Very interesting, I've never heard of this! I'm thinking I'm going to give it a try!

    1. You should! If you do decide to try it, I'd love to know how it goes for you! :) x
