Friday, 1 May 2015

Glass Etching // Tutorial

Hello Lovlies!! As promised in my 'Creative Outburst - Homemade Crafts' post, here is my post about Glass Etching! :)

I am actually going to do a tutorial today so you can also try this at home if you like it. Its easy to do and the outcome is actually really good! They would make perfect Christmas/Birthday presents, or any kind of present for that matter. Especially 16th,18th, 21st, any special birthdays, and even Bride and Groom champagne glasses. The possibilities are endless!

So first things first .. You will need:
  • Etching Cream 
  • A small paint brush
  • A clean glass 
  • Stencils
  • Tape 
  • Gloves

The first thing you want to do is clean your glass. You want to get rid of any fingerprints or marks that may be on there. Once it's been washed and towel dried, place your stencils where you would like them to go and stick them down.

If you are using more than one stencil, e.g letters or numbers, like I am, then try to place them as close together as possible to stop any etching cream getting in the gaps between them.

Next you want to take your tape and stick it around all the edges of the stencils to protect the rest of the glass from getting etched. You can use duct tape or painters tape for this, but I didn't realise that I had ran out of both .. so I had to use normal sellotape. When all of the edges are covered, put on your gloves. You do not want to get this stuff on your skin, it will burn you! Take your painbrush and heavily apply the etching cream over your stencils. Make sure everything you want to be on the glass is covered. 

Leave it to sit for 10-15 minutes and then rinse of the cream with warm water. Use your paintbrush to help wipe it all of. 

Now it's time to remove your stencils and see your amazing work. The stencils should easily peel off.

Last thing you should do is wash your glass with warm water and washing up liquid to remove any excess cream or any marks left from the tape. Don't worry, it's not going to wash off! Etching cream eats away at the top layer of glass, so your design will stay on there forever.

And thats it. Here is my finished glass which I decided to put my Blog name onto. I am really happy with how it turned out since this is actually my first attempt! 

Let me know if you try this, and make sure to send me photos! I would love to see them! 

Thankyou for stopping by to have a read and I hope you enjoyed this post! 

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or find me on twitter at @cloudsinup :)

Speak soon.. 


  1. I had no idea that his was so easy to do. And it seems like fun (unless you burn yourself, of course xD).

    xx Izzy

    1. It is! And its good because you can personalise them however you like! :) As long as you remember to wear gloves! Haha :)

      Sophie xx

  2. That's so pretty! I'll have to try this out sometime myself. Love your blog by the way!
