Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Liebster Award

Hi lovelies! I would like to thank the lovely Emma for nominating me for the Liebster Award! I didn't actually know what this was, but when I read Emma's post, I was glad I've been kindly nominated to take part. It's a great way help each other out!

Image result for liebster award

The rules for this tag are simple:
1. Thank and link the person who nominated you.2. Answer the nominator’s 11 questions.3. Nominate small blogs who have less than 200 followers. You should believe that they deserve this award and include their link in your post.4. Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer. Notify these nominees via social media/blog.

Emma's Questions:

1.Who inspires you?

People who inspire me are Jemma, because through doing her blog, she has been able to follow her dreams and thats something I aspire to do one day, and I'm going to have to say Zoella. I mean, who wouldn't want to be where she is from Blogging/Vlogging?!

2.Tea or Coffee?

Coffee. The only time I will have a cup of tea now is when I fancy dunking some biscuits

3.Dogs or Cats?

I can't decide between them! I'm going to have to say both :) I already have a cat, but I would love to get a little puppy!

4. Favourite Blogs?

There are lots. uponmysleevelaurieelle and littlemissfii .. Just to name a few!

5.Favourite Food?

I have always loves pie, chips and gravy with lots of vinegar. You may think I'm weird, but it tastes Amazing! If it was fruit I was talking about .. It would have to be Pineapple! 

6.Favourite part/post on your blog?

My favourite post would have to be my DisneyLand Paris post! It bought back so many good memories from my holiday! 

7.How you found out about/why you started blogging?

I actually started reading blogs only last year! I loved reading them and thought it would be fun to have somewhere I could write about all the things I love and am passionate about. Like my own little journal. And thats why I started my blog. :)

8.If I was to give you £100,000 right now, what would be the first thing you'd do/buy?

I would definitely buy a ticket to travel the world! I'd first travel around America, then Australia and New Zealand and everywhere else along the way. I'd also buy a big house and a nice car .. and all the clothes/makeup I could carry! 

9.Friends you've made through blogging?

Ive not been blogging too long so I talk to alot of people but not sure they would class me as a 'friend' yet. I really hope I do make some friends through blogging and get to meet them in person though. That would be amazing!

10.Best and worst parts of blogging?

The best part would be writing about things I'm passionate about and of course the blogging community! It's like one big family! :) I haven't actually come across anything I don't like about blogging. Apart from the fact I can't do it full time!

11.One piece of advice you'd give other newbie bloggers?

Definitely interact! Interact with other bloggers big and small. You get so much support from other bloggers and they help inspire you! Join the community and get involved in the chats on Twitter! 

Bloggers I am nominating are:

Martha Jane

Nominees Questions:

1.What networking do you do that you feel helps your blog?

2.Name some bloggers you look up to and why?

3.Are you a morning person or a night owl?

4.Would you ever bungee jump or do a skydive?

5.Last thing you watched on TV?

6.What is your favourite part of the year?

7.Have you met any other bloggers?

8.Do you have set days/times to publish your blog posts?

9.Favourite drink?

10.What is your favourite colour?

11.Your dream holiday?

I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed doing it! Be sure to check out all the bloggers linked in this post ... They are all amazing! 

Thankyou for stopping by!

Much Love..


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Really sorry Charlie, I did not intentionally remove your comment ... I caught it by accident! :( xx

  2. No problem my lovely! I loved all your answers! And your questions are super interesting too! Totally agree with interacting! Super helpful and adds even more enjoyment to blogging! Xx

    1. Thanks :) Yeah I think interacting is a major part of blogging! Definitely does make it more enjoyable! :) xx
